Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's been a long time....

Hi everyone (if there's anyone still out there that occassionally checks this blog),

It's been too long since I've sat down to write. Now I do it at 3:30 in the morning when I just can't fall back asleep. B woke up earlier crying. She said, "There's a noise in this room." I asked her where it was coming from. She said, "The kitchen." Fortunately, she went back to sleep pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I did not.

Ironically, I just made a comment today that I don't generally have a problem sleeping. I was reading an article in Newsweek (from a few weeks ago of course :o) about a sleep aid that's become controversial. (Another of course, I can't remember the name of it. :o) Anyway, I was talking to R about the article as I was reading it and said, "Thank God I don't usually have trouble sleeping. Usually I have no problem keeping my eyes closed and my brain unconscious." Apparently, I jinxed myself, because here I am.

Part of the reason I haven't written in so long is sheer business. I know we're all busy, but I literally don't feel like I've had a moment. Unfortunately, poor blogger has become neglected. Hopefully things will slow down soon.

Hopefully I'll let things slow down soon. I have the awful habit of putting myself in this position - where I'm completely overcommitted, and doing things in a million directions. I always end up looking around and wondering how I got here. But if I'm honest with myself, the answer is - I got my own self here. I just wish I realized that while it was happening. Then I wouldn't be so darn tired.

As always, thanks for listening. Perhaps I'll go find something on tv. :o)