Sunday, February 15, 2009

She's Reading!

It wasn't a huge surprise. I'd seen evidence building. Asking me about every word you see. Sounding out words on signs before you even thought to ask. I was impressed when you read the Level A books without missing a beat.

But when I handed you the Level C. When you figured out the word Monster, just because I covered the last 4 letters. When you self-corrected because you knew grab couldn't say touch. When you got your mouth ready to say the first sound and you figured out every word but one - I knew you were reading!

I don't know if you noticed, but my tears started after the first sentence. I didn't let them out at first, but halfway through the book they were pouring down my face. How proud I felt! I'm not even sure you knew how proud you should be. But you kept asking for more, and I felt even prouder. This is only the beginning!

Sunday, February 01, 2009


There is something about college campuses. I don't know what it is. I am drawn to them. Walking on one makes me feel motivated, excited, comfortable... I want to be there. I am drawn to be there. I want to be part of it.

It's similar to the way I feel when I walk in a bookstore or library but with more buzz.

I have been walking around Brandeis lately. We temporarily live next door, so I'm enjoying a walk around the campus when I can get out. I went to school there, so you might think I enjoy it because I feel connected to it. Yet, I never felt a huge connection there. Sure I had friends there, I sang there, and worked with the volleyball team. But at the time I was pulled in so many directions it all feels blurry now. I feel a sense of familiarity there, but that is all.

Besides, I get the same feeling no matter which campus I am on. Does that mean I am destined to be there? Am I supposed to go back to school? On some levels, and in some moments - that idea appeals to me. Am I supposed to teach there some day? I would love to be part of that again. Is it the kids all around? Am I simply attracted to those relationships they are building at the beginning stages of their life?

Or is it the learning? I love to learn. I love to teach. Perhaps it just hangs there in the air waiting for me to grab it.