Saturday, June 30, 2007

My calves are pulsing, my eyes are burning, my shoulders ache. You might think I'm miserable. But in fact, we had an awesome day at Canobie Lake Park. If you haven't been before, or for a very long time like us - you should check it out. We had a blast!

The thing I liked the most about it - it was incredibly little-kid friendly. Little R and H are 4 and 3. But they could go on the vast majority of the rides. There were at least 10 kiddy rides - our favorite was the dragon rollercoaster - Little R and I went on twice! I left my heart on the coaster several times... But they also got to go on so many other rides - The Ferris Wheel, The Rooster Ride, The Carousel, Up, Up and Away, The Race Cars, The Old Fashioned Cars, The Train. I could go on and on...

I even got to go on some rides as a "grown-up". If you consider going on The Boston Tea Party (or even near it), be prepared to get soaked. I have never seen so much water! I also went on the Yankee Cannonball (old-fashioned wooden rollercoaster) and the Corkscrew (newer steel rollercoaster). I have a love hate relationship with rollercoasters. I was petrified the entire time I waited for the Corkscrew; I screamed the entire time; But I came off it laughing. :o)

My least favorite moments at the park were on the "Skyride". Little R asked to go on it. I think she secretly knows that I'm terrified of heights. I took little R, and R took H. We'd been riding about 30 seconds and I was trying not to hyperventilate. All I could think about was getting off. Little R was bouncing around beside me - happy as can be. I had my arm squeezed tightly (too tightly according to her) around her waist. Apparently you could see the fear in my face, or maybe it was the white in my knuckles, but several people riding in the other direction commented on the kind of time I was having... Next time R can take both girls on with him!

My eyelids droop lower, my sunburn is itchy - time for bed.