Monday, April 16, 2007

Proud Mom

Last night, Becca read a book to me (Level A) that I brought home from school. She had memorized it quite some time ago, but last night I taught her to point to each word as she read. She did it accurately! At one point, she read 'birthday' instead of 'party'. I taught her that the word couldn't be birthday because it started with a 'p'.

Fast forward to this morning. Becca picked up the same book (which starts "Here is..."). She couldn't remember how it started. Within a split second she made the first sound of the word 'here' and figured it out! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! My big girls is READING! :o)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm It!

I'm it! B tagged me with a meme of trios.

Three things that scare me:
1. heights
2. Haley's (new) heart murmur
3. I've been lucky for so long in my life. I've never lost anyone particularly close to me. I'm afraid of when my luck runs out...

Three people who make me laugh:
1. Ronnie
2. B
3. Ellen DeGeneres

Three things I love:
1. rollercoasters
2. the smell of freshly cut grass
3. watching my girls play together (especially dancing)

Three things I hate:
1. pettiness
2. my insecurities
3. stuffing

Three things I don't understand:
1. reality t.v. :o)
2. money
3. cruelty

Three things on my desk: (Oh God!)
1. unread magazines
2. unsigned wills
3. lots of things to do

Three things I'm doing right now:
1. Watching E.R. (sort of)
2. feeling hungry
3. trying to figure out what I can prepare to eat without waking the girls

Three things I want to do before I die:
1. go to Australia
2. get my Ph.D.
3. own a house

Three things I can do:
1. Teach
2. sing
3. communicate well

Three things I can't do:
1. cook
2. control when I'm going to cry
3. create things with my hands

Three things I think you should listen to:
1. your heart
2. "The Dance" by, Garth Brooks
3. a picture book read aloud well

Three things you should never listen to:
1. me, when my insecurities hit
2. narcissists
3. someone in a rage

Three things I'd like to learn:
1. to play guitar
2. to find balance in my life
3. to accept my imperfections

Three favorite foods:
1. my mom's stuffed shells
2. my mom's fudge
3. my grandmother's mac & cheese

Three shows I watched as a kid:
1. The Brady Bunch
2. Tom & Jerry
3. Dukes of Hazard

Three things I regret:
1. Taking the wedding, not the down payment (but truthfully, I loved every minute of the day)
2. Hurting people's feelings
3. Not spending a semester abroad

Three people I tag:
1. Slacker Mom
2. Walt (If you guys still check out my inconsistent postings...)
3. Anyone who'd like to share :o)