Saturday, May 13, 2006

Second Acts

Another trip to a book store tonight. This time with a gift card in hand. :o) I've been excited to purchase "Teacher Man" by Frank McCourt. I'm on page 2 of the Prologue and I already love it. So far, this is my favorite part:

"F. Scott Fitzgerald said that in American lives there are no second acts. He simply did not live long enough. In my case he was wrong.

When I taught in New York City high schools for thirty years no one but my students paid me a scrap of attention. In the world outside the school I was invisible. Then I wrote a book about my childhood and became mick of the moment. I hoped the book would explain family history to McCourt children and grandchildren. I hoped it might sell a few hundred copies and I might be invited to have discussions with book clubs. Instead it jummped onto the best-seller list and was translated into thirty languages and I was dazzled. The book was my second act."


b said...

Very cool. Glad you bought the book. (and really glad it was free!)

ramblingmuse said...

That's a very cool excerpt. I'd agree that life is full of second, third, fourth and fifth acts! People change in so many wonderful ways. Anything is possible!

BTW, Happy Mother's Day!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! What a perfect day to spend browsing in a book store. Soooo glad you are enjoying your book, you deserve it!!

I am enviously needing a new stack of reading material. I may paddle my way to the library tomorrow.